করোনা ভাইরাস (কভিড-১৯) প্রতিরোধে বাংলাদেশে নতুন প্রকল্প শুরু হলো আজ থেকে। সামনে আসছে অনেক সুযোগ!
AHA! “Awareness with Human Action” project seeks to contribute to the response efforts of #COVID19 by preventing conflict & building social cohesion in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and broader South Asia.
This will largely build upon the important role of religious actors, women & youth in creating and disseminating constructive narratives to reduce discrimination, hate speech and stigmatization.
EUForeignPolicy #AwarenessWithHumanAction #AHA
Together4Peace #COVID19Response #CCDBangladesh
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