Tania Sultana is a district representative at Mymensingh for the Women and E-commerce forum (WE)

WOW Virtual Bangladesh celebrates the women and girls working in the margins, who not only face hardship themselves but also help and nurture other women to the path of empowerment. This Friday, 30 July 9 p.m. we get to hear from Tania Sultana who is trying to revive and restructure the almost extinct weaving industry of Mymensingh with support from the Ministry of Cultural Affairs as well as mentoring sex workers to support them through their hardships.

Tania Sultana is a district representative at Mymensingh for the Women and E-commerce forum (WE).WOW – Women of the World is an international festival that celebrates the achievements of women and girls all over the world, founded by Jude Kelly CBE in 2010.

WOW Virtual Bangladesh is organised by the British Council with support from strategic partners CCD Bangladesh and Mongol Deep Foundation.

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