Saturday, 8 February 2025

The Youth Urged to be Active in Building Nation

Chief of Party of Leaders of Influence (LOI) Program of The Asia Foundation Mr. Russell Pepe said, all young boys and girls have to be made active citizen through building their leadership and enhancing their capacity and skills. Only then they will be able to lead the country and the nation effectively in the days to come.

He said it while speaking as chief guest in the opening ceremony of the orientation course for the youth representatives held in Rajshahi on Monday.

He called upon the participants to be active citizen through practicing open knowledge and he said also the young generation has to acquire leadership quality for the development of the country and nation. They have to be involved in service of suffering people for their betterment.

Democracywatch with the support of USAID and The Asia Foundation arranged the 2-day orientation course under Leaders of Influence (LOI) program. Knowledge centre CCD Bangladesh locally supported the program held at the conference room of Jafor Imam Tennis Complex in the city.

Program Officer of The Asia Foundation Junaid Jamal, Program Manager of Democracywatch Minhaz Alam, Accounts Officer Abdullahel Baki, Coordinator of Youth Leadership Program of CCD Arafat Ali Siddique and Event Organizer Atiquzzaman Nahid facilitated different working session in the orientation course.

A total of 50 youth representatives from different districts of Rajshahi division are taking part in the course. On the first day of the orientation course, participants visited health services of Surjer Hashi Chinnhito Clinic of Tilottoma supported by USAID and experienced much on the issues. They also visited and acquired knowledge and experience of different development activities of the destitute women by Thanaparha Swallows at Charghat of the Rajshahi District.

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